Welcome to Travelwritenow.com      The Write Source For All of Your Travel Content Needs

If you seek content born of passion, developed with creative angles and produced with diligence to deadlines, you have arrived at your destination.

Welcome to Travelwritenow.com where you will find answers to your travel content needs. For a portfolio section of published clips, visit the Published Articles sections housing stories that span the globe from Europe to Asia and Africa to Antarctica.

The Pitch Ideas section contains a listing of pitch ideas for potential development as well as recommendations from previous editors. Within the My Experience section you will find travel, writing and biographic background including countries of previous residence and knowledge of travel destinations ranging across more than 55 countries - 22 percent of the globe and counting. This background provides a solid foundation to meet your unique travel content needs.

If you are seeking a freelance travel writer based in Europe with extensive knowledge of the needs of leisure and business travelers, travel intermediaries and travel suppliers, it is time to unpack your bags of content requests - you have arrived at your destination. Enjoy your journey through this site and please Contact Me to discuss your travel content needs.


Ginger Taggart